Wednesday, 4 May 2016

This Week

This Week in Grade 4

Language:  Finding the main idea, Spelling words, finding facts to do a research project

Math: Money, counting decimals, adding and subtracting money amounts, making change up to $100

Music: The Recorder, reading and playing the notes, 'B', 'A' and 'G'.

Art:  Drawing illustrations for our myths

Social Studies:  The Ancient Romans

Gym:  Soccer baseball, increasing our stamina when running laps

Monday, 18 April 2016

This Week

This week in Grade 4:

Math:  comparing and ordering fractions (i.e., halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, tenths), explain the relationship between equivalent fractions, and counting forward by halves, thirds, fourths, and tenths to beyond one whole,

Social Studies: continuing to look at  Ancient China, and its inventions, everyday life and social structure

Language:  spelling, writing the good copy of our myths, looking at the characteristics of plays.

Art:  following step by step instructions to draw cartoons, using different types of lines

Gym:  set goals about their physical fitness (ie after running/walking a lap of the field, set a goal to do this in a faster time, over the next 4 weeks).

Drama:  Readers Theatre - acting out a part in a play, by reading a scripted story (focusing on using expression and tone of voice to convey meaning).

Tuesday, 12 April 2016


This week in Grade 4

Language: myths and legends, writing an original myth, spelling words,

Math:  fractions-looking at equivalent fractions and fractions that are closer to 0, 1/2 and 1.

Social Studies:  Ancient China

Health: read alouds about different kinds of families and people who make different choices (like boys who like to wear pink, or girls who like to do woodworking)

Art:  using different types of lines to make pictures, listening to step by step instructions on how to draw an animal

*Reminder- no school on Friday, it's a PD Day. 

Tuesday, 22 March 2016


We have a short week this week and again next week.  (Four day weekend!)
We will be going on a field trip next week, to the Museum of Nature.  More information to come home soon.

This week in Mrs. Corkum's Class:

Language:  writing poetry (Cinquain, shape and diamante)
Social Studies:  Ancient Egypt, maps
Math:  Telling time (to the nearest minute)
Science:  review of rocks and minerals (for our field trip coming up!)
Art:  creating interesting shapes and illustrations to go with our poetry, hieroglyphics
Gym:  cooperative games to work on target and territory activities)

Friday, 4 March 2016


I have to apologize for neglecting this Blog!

I have been using our class Twitter every day, and have not been writing this Blog as well as I had hoped to.  In the future, I will try and write a 'What We're Doing This Week' on Mondays.  I really do recommend checking out our Twitter page to see daily pictures and small snippets of our day-you don't have to be 'on' Twitter to check it out!  Click here to go our site.

What We Are Doing This Week

Math:  Measurement (cm, m, mm and km, and perimeter)
Language:  Reading and Writing Poetry (Cinquante, Diamante and Simile)
Social Studies:  We have started reading a book on Ancient Rome (learning about Gladiators). ALso we are learning about tradition Inuit traditions and ways of life.
Art:  Inuit Art (using chalk and stencils)
Health:  Smoking
Drama:  Writing and practicing scripts about smoking scenarios and peer pressure
Gym:  Inuit Games, Rocks and Rings (curling)

Monday, 18 January 2016

This week

Here's what we are learning about this week:

Mathematics:  multiplication (7, 8, and 9 times tables) and capacity (Litres and millilitres)

Language Arts we are looking at advertisements and identifying the producer, the message and the intended audience. 

Dance we are presenting our dance routines

Health:  nutrition and healthy eating 

Science:  we are looking at Light and Sound (and using flashlights!) 

** Friday is a PD Day :)

Tuesday, 12 January 2016


Here's what we are learning about this week:

Mathematics:  multiplication (3, 4, 6 times tables), mass and capacity 

Language Arts we are looking at nature shows and using pic collage to create a collage of our bullying tableau scenes

Dance we are still working on creating a dance routine in small groups

Drama we are learning about different examples of drama around the world, participating in different drama games and creating our own 'tableaus'

Health:  nutrition and healthy eating 

Social Studies:  We are watching videos about how the environment has been affected by humans (poaching/overfishing animals, the tar sands of Alberta, clear cutting forests, etc.)  

**We have a social studies test on Friday.  Students can review their provinces and territories by playing this game:

Thursday, 7 January 2016


Happy New Year!

Welcome back to school.  Hopefully everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable break.  Here's what we are learning about this week:

Mathematics:  multiplication and volume (length x width x height)

Language Arts:  we are looking at newspapers and game shows

Dance:  we are learning about dances all around the world and working on creating a dance routine in small groups

Drama:  we are participating in different drama games and creating our own 'tableaus'

Social Studies:  We are learning about the different sectors of industry (ie primary, secondary and tertiary)

*Reminder to check out our twitter page for daily tweets!