Thursday 12 November 2015

Google Classroom

We have been doing a research project on an animal in Language Arts.  Students used books and the internet to do research on their animal, and recorded their information on a graphic organizer (which is a page that had questions to focus their research).  When their research is complete, students are using the computers to record their information onto a Google Doc.  I have shared the original document with them on Google Classroom-a way that teachers can share the same document with students, and they can 'turn in' their work when they are done.  Ask your son or daughter to log in to their google classroom.

Here are the steps:

1) go to com and type in 'Google Classroom'
2) sign in (using their gmail and password, that is in their agendas)
3) choose 'Mrs. Corkum's Grade 4's'
4) choose 'Animal Research Paper'

If students have 'turned in' their research paper, then they can not make any more changes.  If they are still working on it, they can still add information.

Monday 9 November 2015


We are back up and running!

I will be updating my Blog again (hopefully two times a week) so check back regularly.
Again, we will be using the Twitter page daily, so check there every day for an 'ask your child' prompt.  Here is an overview of what we are learning these days.

Language:  We are reading 'A Series of Unfortunate Events,' learning about adverbs, and writing a research paper on an animal, using Google Docs to type out our good copy.
Math:  Patterning, and finding the pattern rule and the next numbers in a pattern
Social Studies:  Canada's Provinces, Territories and Regions
Health:  Safety and Healthy Eating
Music:  Notes on the staff, responding to music, through words and pictures
Art:  Using angles and symmetry to create a piece of art
Gym:  Co-operative games, checking our pulse, etc., for levels of exertion